Archive | November, 2011

5 tips for Building an Online Portfolio

20 Nov

If you are thinking about building yourself an online portfolio, you should! Many professionals and professors have recommended that university students and young pros should build an online presence for themselves. Having an online portfolio is the perfect way to do that. Having your own URL also sets you apart from the hundreds of other resumes floating out there.

Here are five tips for building an online portfolio:

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Why PR students should study abroad

13 Nov

As students, we often find ourselves making all kinds of excuses to not study abroad: “It’s too expensive” and “It won’t fit into my degree plan” are just a few of those myths circulating the university world. (Rest assured, money can be found, and you will find a way to make it fit.)

The past six months, I have been studying journalism at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia. Like many others, I had never thought about going abroad as a practical venture–until, that is, I spoke to several PR professionals about doing it. Those who hadn’t gone wish that they had; those who had gone told me it would be the most amazing experience of my life. Well, they were definitely right, but now having been abroad as a PR student, I think EVERY PR student should do it.

See things like a giant clam in the Great Barrier Reef

Top 5 reasons why PR students should study abroad:

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