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Hard Work Pays Off: A lesson in work ethic and finding balance

6 Aug

I thought I would take a break from social media and public relations today to offer up a mantra that has kept me going these past few years–“Hard work pays off.”

When I began working two jobs for a total of 40+ hours a week this summer, many people told me to take it easy, “You work too hard,” they told me. Maybe its just the old-school work ethic instilled in me by my hard-working parents, or maybe I am simply an idealist, but whenever someone says that I am working too hard, I have to shake my head. “No,” I say, “I am not working hard enough.”

Thousands of college students graduate each spring, looking for a way into the workforce. The reality is, less than half of them will actually find jobs right out of college, and many others will be forced to take internships before they can find full-time employment. Receiving a college degree no longer guarantees that you will find employment–those days are long gone.

In order to find a good job today, we need to work harder than ever before to get good experience and make those crucial network connections while still in school. We need to have more than one internship on our resume, prove to our employers that we can handle anything they throw at us and stand out from other applicants by demonstrating ability and dedication to succeed in the workforce.

So, what does it take to “work hard” and still have a life?

  • Discipline: The ability to delegate time to multiple tasks is very important in public relations and marketing. If you are working at a firm, you will sometimes be responsible for more than four or five clients at one time, which means you need to figure out how to accomplish everything asked of you by your deadlines.
  • Understanding your limits and how you work: Knowing when to give yourself a break and call it a night is important to the quality of work
  • Saying ‘Yes’ more often than not. The way I see it, saying ‘no’ to your employes is a luxury. You have to put in your time and pay your dues before you can even think that word. This means that sometimes weekends need to be sacrificed when clients move up deadlines.
  • Above all, Balance: If you value the personal relationships in your life, you will need to understand how to balance your work load with your personal life. Sometimes it can be tricky, and I can personally attest to the fact that it is not always easy, but it is extremely necessary.  Remember to take a weekend off once in a while, see your family, hang out with your friends, spend some quality time with your significant other. The way I see it, success means nothing if you don’t have people in your life to share it with.

When things get tough and you feel you are running out of steam, stop. Take a breath. And remind yourself, “Hard work DOES pay off.”

Want a job? Get on Social Media

12 Jul

Social media recruiting is becoming common practice for human resource departments across the U.S., according to a recent study by Jobvite.

With 92 percent of respondents indicating that they plan to use or are using social media to find and hire job candidates this year, its safe to say that if you want a job its time to get social. But where are these employers looking, you may ask?

  • 93 percent turn to LinkedIn (89 percent have made a hire)
  • 66 percent are using Facebook (26 percent have made a hire)
  • 54 percent are using Twitter (15 percent have made a hire)

Before you rush to their Facebook pages and tear down the photos from Saturday nights pub crawl, you may be interested in what recruiters are really peeved about. While 47 percent of respondents indicated a negative reaction to alcohol consumption on an applicants social media profile, 54 percent of respondents indicated that bad grammar and spelling mistakes were even larger hiring deterrents.

But that’s not to say that if you use proper grammar in your Facebook statuses and then post a picture of yourself in a bikini that you’re in the clear. In fact, you may want to think twice before posting those Vegas photos.

  • 78 percent of recruiters had a negative reaction to illegal drug references
  • 67 percent were turned off by posts of a sexual nature

Moral of the story? If you’re looking for a job, you need to clean up your social footprint right now. There is a 92 percent chance that your future employer is looking for you right now on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.

For more results from Jobvite study fill out a quick request form on the company website.

“They Can’t Pay Me” and Other Myths Interns Believe

15 Apr

Dear interns,

        It is time for a wake-up call. Everything you do has value.

Credit: Jason Arias and Erin Perfect via

“They Can’t Pay Me” and Other Myths Interns Believe

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5 tips for Building an Online Portfolio

20 Nov

If you are thinking about building yourself an online portfolio, you should! Many professionals and professors have recommended that university students and young pros should build an online presence for themselves. Having an online portfolio is the perfect way to do that. Having your own URL also sets you apart from the hundreds of other resumes floating out there.

Here are five tips for building an online portfolio:

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Advice for journalists from ABC reporter Kerri Ritchie (Australia)

3 Oct

Though Australian Broadcast Corporation reporter Kerri Ritchie works out of Melbourne, her advice is absolutely universal.

If you’re an aspiring journalist, this is a must read. 

(This article was originally written for and published by upstart Magazine, an Australian publication for emerging journalists.)

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Building an online PR portfolio

24 May

Everything has gone to the web–greeting cards, ordering pizza, your classrooms–so should you!

Many employers check out your internet presence. Why not dazzle them with your tech-savvy ways with an impressive and simple online portfolio?

Don’t outdate yourself before you even get started. Build your online portfolio with these tips:

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